Thursday, March 15, 2012

Things We Love {At 4.5 Months}

It's amazing to me what the boys actually love. We also have some things we aren't so crazy about {I'll share that later}. Please keep in mind this is what works for us and I am no expert on what babies need or want. I'm learning more each day and every child is different.

The boys are almost five months. Just think, I started writing this post when they just turned four months. Oh, how time flies. They actually started looking at toys {mainly ones that light up} and really grabbing for things at about three and a half months. Here is our list of things we love right now.

Books. All kinds of colorful books. We really like getting new books from the dollar spot at Target.

Balls. We started with one and had to get another one. They don't get how to share yet. :) These balls are great because they are light and they are easy for them to hold because of all the holes.

Boo, otherwise known as Laugh and Learn Love to Play Puppy.
Spot the dog...who now has a brother...the elephant, known as Trunk in our house.

The Lantern. The best of both worlds, music and lights. Plus it gives mommy a break from singing.

What do your kiddos love?

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