As you are probably well aware my lil sister is having her graduation party tomorrow. I saw these cute candy graduation hats somewhere on the web {I'm so sorry that I can't remember where and give credit where credit is due} and just had to make them. All in all, they were pretty easy to make.
White Frosting {I used Wilton's White Decorating Frosting}
Die {I did my sister's school colors, blue and red. Wilton sells die in many colors.}
Disposable Decorating Bags
Candy Sticks
Reeses Miniature Peanut Butter Cups {I suggest freezing these for 10-30 minutes before you start.}
Chocolate Candy Bars {The goal is to have a square shape fit on top of your Reeses. I also was all about saving money and I found that the Walmart brand Great Value Milk Chocolate Candy Bars did the trick.}
Gummy Candy {For the tassels. I found mine at Party City.}
Before You Begin:
- Make your decorating bags: Add your frosting into the bag. Cut a small hole at the tip of your bag. You do not need a decorating tip for this project.
- Cut your Gummy Candy into small strips for the tassel. I also had to put a bend into the candy before applying it to the hat, otherwise it was too stiff.

Step 1: Poke the candy stick into the top {larger side} of the Reeses Peanut Butter Cup.
{Hint: A few of mine were a little loose. All I did was add some frosting into the hole.}
Step 2: Add frosting to the top of the Reeses Peanut Butter Cup.
Step 3: Lay/press your chocolate square on top of the frosting.
Step 4: Make a dot in the center of your hat and draw a line off the dot with your frosting.
Step 5: Add your tassel. The line of frosting will secure it in place.
these are so cute!! what a great idea! Im totally making these for my little brothers graduation!